A Huffalump did his business here...: Its the business! Stupid!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Its the business! Stupid!

I talked a little with my sis's bf before watching the show Bolt.

I think he wa just making conversation; we talked about how to make money from the internet. (He is a nice guy and he was just making conversation I guess)

And he was sharing about a guy who wrote an e-book and make a million or so from it.

I don't disbelieve that.

But i had a friend trying that while I was still in CHC =)

That was like 2002 or so i think.

I don't think he made it.

Well that conversation when on to tolkien and about how tolkien fought piracy.

(Long story short, he appealed to the emotional side of people, common "decency" to
support him in writing books, essentially to only by official printings... hmm he still got screwed i think... ah well)


What was this post about....?

Oh yah. Concept.

The concept that "inspired" me to write this post is that..

Its the business, people.

The whole, "Lets use IT(or internet) to make lotsa munny!!!" is something too often said.

What must be realised, is that it is NEVER about the IT.

But always about the business.

Is your IT really helping your business process or is it just a novelty?

There are examples of IT helping in the business.

For instance, the China Law Blog is a really good way to help the lawyer build up his social network, there are no immediate benefits yes, but it is a support in the business process of the firm.

Oh the heavens are with me... this is from one of their posts, where they are recognised by their peers in a journal ;)

The ABA Journal (the official publication of the American Bar Association, the leading group for American lawyers, not tavern owners) recently named China Law Blog as one of the top 100 law blogs in the World. Well actually the world of American lawyer blogs, but as long as George Bush remains President, and he will through the duration of the blog election, I do not think it a stretch to say it is of "the world."
[end edit]

Or when one uses a blog as a blog shop for instance this is an entire listing of trinklets or clothing...

(No I don't shop there... I asked for the example from my sis)

However all too often, we are trying to see how we can use IT to do something strange and new.

I actually studied a module where we looked at internet businesses. I took the module soon after the dotcom bust, so it was rather enlightening. As successes were often better documented than failures. But here we are looking at failure after failure. (The reason being, these companies were originally the dotcom darlings and we were supposed to study them - again a warning that heroes today can be zeroes tomorrow)

So I can probably point out why you will fail, and I will probably be right.
(I have successfully predicted 3 IT failures, then again in any business venture, failures are more likely, so I am banker =D)

audience:So you have blathered this much but have said nothing, are you gonna be like one of those anime for girls (Shojo Anime)???

Me: I'm getting there....

So the point here is you should always consider your business.

Is it going to be workable. Does your marketing vibes tell you it is going to work. Are you overcomed by lust/stupidity for money? Are you looking through rose tinted glasses? I took a recent module on business startups and they were big on the financial report, so... Are making money, or rather when will you break even and start making munny?


All the questions have nothing to do with IT.

So it is not about technology. Its about the business. Sure the guy wrote an ebook. But an ebook is easily copied and multiplied. What stopped the author's readers from blatant piracy? Was it some high tech encryption module(unlikely - hey DVD's are STILL getting cracked) or is it a symbiotic relationship the author has with his readers that has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the technology?

Technology is a sword. Wield it.

Its not how powerful the sword is. Its how you wield it.
(This sadly sounds like a reference to male genitals...)

Its a simple concept, from a simple minded person.

So puny investor. Think through your actions and think business! Do your numbers, do your due dilligence.

You owe it to yourself!

Till I am bored enough to write again.

To your success ;)

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